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Erneuerung des Eheversprechens

Vow Renewal Ceremonies

Vow renewal - The most beautiful proof of love

A love that survives all the great and small storms in life is precious and should not be taken for granted. This is why I find it so special when a couple can look back on the time they spent together and say, "you are the man/ you are the woman of my life - in the past and for the future". This is the most beautiful proof of love for your partner: We are not together because we "have to", but because we want to - time after time, again and again - I will prepare an unforgettably beautiful vow-renewal ceremony for you: with your friends & family, and with your - perhaps already grown-up-children, or maybe only for the two of you.

Happy Vow Renewal Couples


"Liebe Claudia, Seit gestern sind wir nach einer wunderschönen Woche und einer unvergesslichen Feier wieder zu Hause.

Claudia, bei Dir möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bedanken, du hast die gesamte Zeremonie hervorragend gestaltet. Auch deine warme, menschliche Art hat alle begeistert. Es war einfach wundervoll und einzigartig."

Horst und Marlies (Golden Wedding), Germany

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